Sunday, 15 June 2014


List the 6 menu items McDonalds has which are connected with the 2014 FIFA World Cup
  • The England Pie
  • The Brazil Burger
  • The Argentina Burger
  • The France Burger
  • The Spain Brekkie Wrap
  • The Rio Frozen Sprite

For ONE of these menu items
- list the ingredients
- fully explain the connections between the item and the country the item is connected with. Make sure you explain HOW the ingredients are connected.

The Brazil Burger
-beef patty(beans, corn and capsicum and tangy tomato salsa)
- soccer ball bun

This burger represents Brazil because the ingredient that showed in burger is ingredient that Brazilian usually eat and soccer ball bun respect a FIFA World Cup game.

Italia Buger

  • Soccer ball bun
  • beef patty
  • Cheese
  • Salade(tomato spaghetti sauce)
  • Pizza small slices

This burger represents Italia because Italian's main food are in this burger.
Italia has many kind of Cheese and their main food are Pizza and spaghetti

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful job on your blog post today. You completed your work and showed it to me. You were able to link your burger ingredients to the country Italy.
