List the 6 menu items McDonalds has which are connected with the 2014 FIFA World Cup
- The England Pie
- The Brazil Burger
- The Argentina Burger
- The France Burger
- The Spain Brekkie Wrap
- The Rio Frozen Sprite
For ONE of these menu items
- list the ingredients
- fully explain the connections between the item and the country the item is connected with. Make sure you explain HOW the ingredients are connected.
The Brazil Burger
-beef patty(beans, corn and capsicum and tangy tomato salsa)
- soccer ball bun
This burger represents Brazil because the ingredient that showed in burger is ingredient that Brazilian usually eat and soccer ball bun respect a FIFA World Cup game.
Italia Buger
- Soccer ball bun
- beef patty
- Cheese
- Salade(tomato spaghetti sauce)
- Pizza small slices
This burger represents Italia because Italian's main food are in this burger.
Italia has many kind of Cheese and their main food are Pizza and spaghetti
Wonderful job on your blog post today. You completed your work and showed it to me. You were able to link your burger ingredients to the country Italy.